26 October 1941
Weather cool and clear. Air operations normal. Germans won the initiative.

The German 7.PzD and 14.mID supported by elements of 35.ID attack the city of Rzhev. The Soviet 32.Army hold out, defenders further inspired by the NKVD Commissars.

(End of German Player Turn)

The German infantry divisions have taken over the frontline responsibility from the exhausted Panzers. The operational tempo on this axis is very slow.

(End of German Player Turn)

Guderian's initial assault on Tula were bloodily repulsed..


(End of the German player turn)

Desperate times requires desperate actions. Two cut off rifle divisions try to threaten a German fighter base in the vicinity of Sychevka.

(End of the Russian movement phase)

But these remnants were soon mopped up and marched west as POW's.

In the 9.Army area of operations have the Soviet 45.CavD infiltrated through the forests north of Nelidovo to interdict the german supply route.

(End of turn)

But the Russian cavalry were soon withdrawn back to Selizharsvo.

The Luftwaffe installations at Spas Demyansk were also threatened by enemy cavalry. The Soviet horsemen were able to destroy the Bryansk Train but that was .

(End of the Russian Player )

Next turn this unit attacked other German rear area installation at Sukhinichi but were unable to dislodge HQ troops guarding the town.

The Soviet and German dead pile.

(End of turn)

The STAVKA are preparing a new defensive line along the north bank of the Oka river.

(End of the Turn)

29 October